What is a Colonoscopy? 
A colonoscopy is a procedure used to see inside the colon and rectum. The colonoscopy is utilized for many purposes including; detecting inflamed tissue, ulcers, and abnormal growths. The procedure is used to look for polyps and early signs of colorectal cancer, which can help your  Gastroenterologist diagnose unexplained changes in bowel habits, abdominal pain, anal bleeding, and weight loss. The European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) recommends that colon cancer screening begin at age 50, and follow-up screenings are done in 5 year intervals. This interval period could be shortened based on your initial colonoscopy results. 
How a colonoscopy performed?
During the colonoscopy, Dr. FEUHOUO will pass a thin, flexible, lighted tube called a colonoscope into the anus and slowly guide it through the rectum and colon. The colonoscope contains a camera on one end which transmits a video image so that the doctor can carefully examine the inside lining of the large intestine. This procedure takes about 30 minutes during which the patient is sedated. 
Why would I get a colonoscopy?
The most common reasons for colonoscopy are:
1. As a screening exam for colon cancer in persons age 50+
2. As a screening exam for anyone with a family history of colon cancer or polyps
3. A change in bowel habits (diarrhea, constipation or change in stool caliber)
4. Chronic abdominal pain
5. Rectal bleeding
6. Anemia (low blood count)
7. As a follow-up exam in people with colon polyps or colon cancer
What do I need to do for prepare for a colonoscopy?
In preparation for a colonoscopy, the colon must be completely empty so the colon lining is completely visible. To clean the colon, your gastroenterologist will instruct you on taking a laxative preparation in order to completely vacate your bowels the night before your test. In addition, you will be instructed to be on a  diet without residue 3 to 5 days  prior to the procedure. It is important to read all instructions provided to you thoroughly in order to obtain the best results. If you have questions please call  Dr FEUHOUO office at 
Will I be able to drive at home?
You must have a designated driver to take you home after the colonoscopy, because you will not be permitted to drive yourself home after the procedure. Prior to the procedure, you will be given a sedative which will put you asleep and keep you comfortable throughout the procedure process. Although you will wake up quickly, sedative medicines can cause temporary changes in reflexes and judgment making it unsafe to drive.
Can I take my medicines ?
Most prescription and non prescription medicines are allowed up to the day of the colonoscopy. Our office will review your medication list and tell you what medicines you may and may not continue to take.
What are the possible complications?
Colonoscopy is a safe procedure and complications are very rare, but can occur. Our office and the colonoscopy clinic will review these on the day of the procedure.
Most people will have a colonoscopy at some point in their life. Everyone age fifty or older is encouraged to undergo a colon screening examination, and there are many other reasons a person may receive a colonoscopy.

Colonoscopy is a very safe and easy procedure for the patient which provides valuable information other tests are not able to give.